Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Trailer Out Now

MV5BMTYxNjE1NzE4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDkzNjc2NzM@._V1_SY1000_SX675_AL_A few lucky select few film critics at the Cannes Film Festival are watching now Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, the ninth film by Quentin Tarantino. But for now, the rest of us will have to just be watching the brand new trailer of the long awaited film. As well as all the usual Tarantino style a retro soundtrack, a devotion to classic cinema, and some fruity language this second trailer shows more of the film’s incredible sprawling cast and evocation of Hollywood in 1969.

MV5BODRkMTRiMGEtODUzMi00NjhkLWFmZTMtNzZiNjFiMGFkYzRiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_And if you look at the jaw dropping cast involved here the trailer opens with a scene that gets Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt, and Al Pacino in the same frame. Plus, Kurt Russell is here, Lena Dunham is a member of the Manson family, and Margot Robbie flexes more of her turn as Sharon Tate. Oh, and you get DiCaprio as his actor character Rick Dalton. We also have a more concrete synopsis now, which pitches this as a potentially Pulp Fiction style tapestry of stories that weave in and out of each other.

Quentin Tarantino’s film ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD visits 1969 Los Angeles, where everything is changing, as TV star Rick Dalton and his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth make their way around an industry they hardly recognize anymore, it reads. “The ninth film from the writer director features a large ensemble cast and multiple storylines in a tribute to the final moments of Hollywood’s golden age.”

MV5BYmIxOTcwNjAtYjMxMy00MDYwLTg5ODUtZGQ5ZWJkY2I2N2VmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_Stay tuned and catch the film in UK cinemas on 14 August frustratingly three weeks later than the 26 July US release.